Find answers to your questions here before ordering
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order my Handpan?
It's very simple, you just have to choose a range from those we offer (see our page) scalesand send us a mail.
A deposit of €200 will be requested once your order has been validated and an email explaining our manufacturing times and delivery details will be sent to you.
When the handpan is ready we will send you a video to validate the rest of the payment. All you have to do is wait for your instrument!
How do I take care of my Handpan?
Please refer to our page "Upkeep"
When will the flash sales take place?
Sometimes we produce instruments in addition to the ranges ordered from us and offer them to you on this page. So stay tuned, you might find your next Handpan there!
What is the difference between steel and stainless steel?
Steel is usually the material with which handpans are made.
However, it is possible to manufacture some of them in stainless steel, which is another alloy.
It has the particularity of giving more sustain (the duration of the note is longer) as well as more present harmonics.
I don't know how to play, where to learn?
Koan regularly puts online partnerships with certain players who organize courses to allow you to quickly learn the basics of the handpan or to improve your practice. Among them we can cite Quentin Kayser, Guitoti and its musical association " Touch a Pan", Miloon, Tom Vaylo …
Find our musical news, internships and other festivals on our page facebook !
What is the difference between soft and hard case?
The soft cases are very practical for transport because they are comfortable. Conversely, rigid cases will provide better protection for your handpan against shocks and long trips, but will be a little less comfortable to wear.
Currently we are working with Namana, Hardcase and BlueBag, a new partner that manufactures rigid covers made in France from recycled materials that respect the environment.